English is fun!
Welcome students, parents & guests |
Welcome students, parents & guests |
Choose any important invention
- What is it? - What is it made of? - What is it used for? - Who invented it? When? Note: no invention can be used twice. Be original. ***Remember your name (nickname), class, number***
Special homework for 5/7 ONLY Directions:
The homework is due on Monday, 3 December 2018. This week we practiced using "may be" and "might be" to guess what things are. LEAVE A COMMENT What do you think is in the giant red birthday present? Make 2 guesses. Example: I think it might be ____________ or it may be a ____________. ***Remember your name (nickname), class, number*** Watch the video below to have fun guessing what's inside the creeper surprise eggAll of grade 5 went to Ayutthaya this week for a field trip. I hope everyone learned a lot and had a fun time in this beautiful and historic city. LEAVE A COMMENT
1. What did you learn in Ayutthaya? 2. What did you buy? How much did it cost? ***Remember your name (nickname), class, number*** The last day of October is always Halloween - October 31st
Kids in America usually celebrate by wearing a costume to school and going trick-or-treating at night to get lots of candy. Halloween costumes can be just about anything you can imagine. They can be scary, or they can fun. LEAVE A COMMENT QUESTION: What kind Halloween costume could you wear? Examples: I could dress up as a skeleton. I could wear a skeleton costume. I could dress up as Batman. I could wear a Batman costume. I could dress up as a zombie. I could wear a zombie costume. ***Remember you name (nickname), class, number *** |
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January 2023