English is fun!
Welcome students, parents & guests |
Welcome students, parents & guests |
This week in IEP Week 3 Lesson 3 you will be doing a big assignment. Before you can start the assignment you need to choose one country that you want to learn more about. Note: You cannot choose Thailand. Look at the WORLD MAP and find a different country to learn about. LEAVE A COMMENT
1. What country do you want to learn more about? 2. Why did you choose this country? Please explain. ***Remember your name (nickname), class, number, teacher***
This week we are reviewing how to describe someone. You can talk about what someone looks like. Also, you can describe someone personality, or what they're like. LEAVE A COMMENT
--> Choose your favorite cartoon character <-- ---> Describe what the character looks like <--- ----> Describe the character's personality <---- -----> (Write a paragraph) <----- ***Remember your name (nickname), class, number, teacher*** Hello students!!! We have 6 more weeks left of 5th grade. All the students (learning online or learning at school) will follow this schedule. Let's work together to have a fun and interesting last 6 weeks of the year. GOOD LUCK!!! LEAVE A COMMENT
Answer these questions:
***Remember your name (nickname), class, number, and teacher*** |
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January 2023